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[Agathon] Agathon Virtual Grind Show

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 6,299회 작성일 20-12-23 17:32



Evo Quinto and Neo with Automation: an efficient team

The newest developments available on Evo Quinto provide even more advantages to the proven Evo platform. The unmatched swivel angle and the excellent suitability of the high clamping forces for clamping parts are well known. But these are by far not the only advantages of our 5-axis grinding center. On the occasion of the Virtual GrindShow we demonstrated a unique and efficient process that cannot be matched: On the Evo Quinto, we ground a CBN-tipped grooving insert with the chip surface – in order to subsequently laser the chip breaker and the product marking onto this grooving insert on the Neo. The Neo laser machine is therefore not only the first choice for the pre-processing of superhard materials, but also suitable for other applications.


Remote Support – just the right thing in times of difficult travel opportunities

Keeping distance is crucial in today's world, so remote support is twice as useful – it's just the right thing to do in times of difficult travel opportunities and it keeps people at a safe and healthy distance. Our support module RemoteCare from the Agathon Care 360 world makes life much easier for everyone. We also use cell phones and Smart Glasses, giving us live insight and literally seeing what our customers see – and being able to support them live from a distance to solve any technical problems themselves. The associated advantages are obvious: The one or other technician assignment can be saved and the effort reduced. Our RemoteCare team demonstrated exactly how this works at the Virtual GrindShow.


Sustainable outstanding performance

Our top products represent quality, precision and efficiency. For us, this also means guaranteeing customers a high degree of flexibility, user-friendliness and durability of their products. The third Virtual GrindShow has impressively proven that these goals have highest priority for Agathon. If you would like to see for yourself, you can do so on our YouTube channel at youtube.com/agathonag.

코로나로 인해 Grindtec 전시회가 취소되어 온라인으로 신규설비 Evo Quinto 에 대한 설명을 아래의 유튜브 동영상을 통해 설명해 드리오니 관심있으신 분들은 확인 부탁드립니다.


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