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[ AGATHON standard parts] 새로운 이름 "Precision-Parts "

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,697회 작성일 23-01-19 11:50



As an Agathon customer, you know that when it comes to developing and producing high-precision 

and zero-backlash guiding and centring systems, our standard parts substantially surpass quality 

and durability standards.


We realised some time ago that the term ‘standard parts’ isn’t ideal on the international market 

we have operated on for decades with our products – all the more so given that we are continuously 

expanding our portfolio and the possibility of digital or other, more advanced products being added

 in future cannot be ruled out.


At that point at the latest, calling our products ‘standard parts’ no longer does them justice. 

The above-mentioned reasons – and the fact that our customers in the mechanical engineering 

segment are unfamiliar with the term ‘standard parts’ – have prompted us to rename the business unit. 

It gives us great pleasure to reveal the new names to you today. 

Our ‘Standard Parts’ business unit has officially been called Precision-Parts since 1 January 2023. 

The business unit, in turn, is split into two areas of application:


1)Standard Parts comprises the entire existing standard parts portfolio for the guiding, 

centering and quick-change segments for punching tools in mould construction, 

toolmaking and mechanical engineering.

2)The Customised Solutions segment is where we develop and produce individual 

solutions for our customers – including comprehensive services.


Of course, you will still be able to rely on our precision parts to meet the highest material quality, 

surface finish, tolerance, service life, productivity and cost-effectiveness standards. 


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