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[ Agathon ] Technology Days June 9-11, 2021

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 4,967회 작성일 21-05-20 15:51



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Virtual events are something we have all got to know and appreciate very well over the past year.  

    The Agathon Technology Days are of course no exception and will be completely virtual.

    What can you look forward to, you may ask yourself? We are happy to tell you:


   We can't wait to surprise you with exciting novelties, support you with lots of know-how, play and

have fun on the occasion of our Agathon Technology Days on June 9 and 10, 2021.


The best thing to do is to register right now and you'll have that taken care of.

Register now for the Agathon Technology Days!


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