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[SMS Elotherm] 고효율 및 고생산성 독일 ELO Bar 히터

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 4,471회 작성일 21-07-08 16:04


High energy efficiency and productivity

ELO-BAR offers high energy efficiency and productivity with its heat retention function and zone technology, supported by a specially

developed bar magazine with specific cooling functions for quick re-entry of circulating material.

In addition, the shuttle system ensures short set-up times and high availability.

By way of example, 20 inductors can be exchanged in less than 3 minutes.

Another outstanding feature of ELO-BAR is the fully automatic height adjustment of the roller conveyor section at the infeed rolls of

the downstream forming unit.



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