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[IMANPACK] 이태리 자동포장기 Moonlihgt LTS for surgical masks

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 4,482회 작성일 21-10-18 17:29



In order to reduce machine downtimes and not interrupt the production, the Moonlight packaging machines can be equipped with a double reel holder with automatic changeover: the machine detects when the film from the first reel has run out and starts up the second one so that the two  join by means of a previously prepared strip of double-sided tape. 

The spare reel can be loaded even when the machine is running. The system is installed on a machine for surgical masks also equipped with a rotating die-cutting machine and a double labelling machine: the label is applied to the film in correspondence with the incision in order to obtain easy-open resealable packs.

Visita our YouTube channel to see our packaging solutions for masks and medical devices.



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