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[Hatebur] Hatebur Virtual Showroom

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 5,781회 작성일 21-05-11 17:15



Hatebur Virtual Showroom 

For more than one year, most of the worldwide trade fairs have been postponed or even cancelled. With this, an important platform to exchange ideas and thoughts with customers and other interested parties and to present products and developments went missing. With this in mind, Hatebur has developed its own new platform, which is now available. 

Continue reading and ask today for your individual appointment in the Virtual Showroom. Your responsible Area Sales Manager will be glad to fix an appropriate date with you and will personally guide you through the Showroom. Questions to equipment and processes can be directly discussed. 

박람회 연기 및 취소 등으로 인한 고객사 문의 관련 애로사항을 해소하고자, Hatebur 에서는 자체 플랫폼을 개발하여 가상 쇼룸 (Virtual Showroom) 을 마련하였습니다. 

Hatebur Virtual Showroom 에 관심 있으신 분들은 저희 에스큐테크로 문의 주시면 안내 드리겠습니다.




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