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[Stepper] Germany Innovation Leader - 3년 연속 독일 혁신 리더 수상

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 5,360회 작성일 21-05-13 13:48



We are very pleased to inform you that the prestigious F.A.Z. Institute has once again – 

and for the third year in a row – presented us with the award:



                               Germanys Innovation Leader


Once a year, the F.A.Z. Institute researches all applications filed with the German Patent

Office and awards prizes to the most numerous and of the highest quality.


As you can see, it is our concern to remain your innovative partner in stamping technoloy

also in the  future!

당사 취급 금형 메이커 STEPPER GmbH가 독일 내 권위있는 F.A.Z 연구소로부터 3년 연속 독일 혁신 리더를 수상하였습니다.


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